
Showing posts from December, 2017

Response 6

Casino Night at UCrossing During my Freshman Orientation, our group's orientation leader, Bri, told us about a crazy annual event called Gambling After Dark. Essentially, they set up a small casino in one of the suites in University Crossing, but instead of classic poker chips, they use condoms. Our group was very shocked when she said that, and we were just confused as to why this is a thing, and she told us that it's all about promoting safe sex and stuff like that, so it made a lot more sense. When she told us there was a raffle and prizes and everything, I could only imagine what kind of stuff they would give away in the raffle. It was only a few minutes after I walked in that they started the raffle. They had exactly what you'd think a college safe-sex casino would offer up. I won't go into specifics, but you can guess what they had. I got the email about two and a half weeks before the event actually happened, notifying me that it will take place in Univer