
Response 6

Casino Night at UCrossing During my Freshman Orientation, our group's orientation leader, Bri, told us about a crazy annual event called Gambling After Dark. Essentially, they set up a small casino in one of the suites in University Crossing, but instead of classic poker chips, they use condoms. Our group was very shocked when she said that, and we were just confused as to why this is a thing, and she told us that it's all about promoting safe sex and stuff like that, so it made a lot more sense. When she told us there was a raffle and prizes and everything, I could only imagine what kind of stuff they would give away in the raffle. It was only a few minutes after I walked in that they started the raffle. They had exactly what you'd think a college safe-sex casino would offer up. I won't go into specifics, but you can guess what they had. I got the email about two and a half weeks before the event actually happened, notifying me that it will take place in Univer

Response 5

All The Way Through Forrest Gump Last week, I was still trying to find an event I could use for an E1. Then on Friday, I got an email for an E1 opportunity that I was available for and seemed like fun: Someone would be showing Forrest Gump and The Shawshank Redemption . This seemed simple enough. The email stated that it would start at 4 P.M. at the knuckle lounge on the 2nd floor of USuites. This seemed perfect because I live in USuites and I get out of my Calculus class at 3. After I got back to my suite from Calculus, I just kind of relaxed for a bit. Every Friday, around that time, I call my dad to discuss when I want to come home for the weekend. Usually, he comes around 9:30 or 10, but I wasn't feeling that good at the time, so I wanted to be picked up around 7:30. Now what I forgot about at the time was that the email said that they would start Forrest Gump around 4, but they would start The Shawshank Redemption around 6:30. That being said, my dad and I already ag

Response 4

Visiting an Art Gallery I've always had a fascination for art. People are fascinated in different aspects of it, but they are all still a form of art: music, literature, dance, painting, etc. People can also have different definitions of art, but mine is that art is a beautiful expression of imagination and creativity. Artists base their art on either something imaginary, like either something magical or something more abstract, or something more personal. Take a look at Years of Zero by Seng Ty, or Townie by Andre Dubus III, or even Fresh off the Boat by Eddie Huang. These people all took their personal life stories, and wrote a book about it. I would personally recommend all of these books. I read both Fresh off the Boat and Years of Zero , and I am currently reading Townie , and I like it a lot so far.  Personally, I enjoy all forms of art. I enjoy all genres of music (usually people lean towards a particular genre, like rap, hip-hop, or R&B, but I do listen to a

Response 3

Napping Princess at Luna Theater Our class went to the Luna Theater at Mill No. 5 to go see a documentary called Don't Think I've Forgotten, which was about the Cambodian genocide and its effect on the music of Cambodia through the eyes of music stars. Unfortunately, I could not attend because I had to study for an upcoming Psych exam, so I had to go a different night, and since it wasn't for the class, I actually had to pay for it this time. My teacher sent us a schedule for the theater in case we couldn't attend, so it was up to me to decide when to go and what to go see. I looked at the schedule, and saw that they had an anime on the list called Napping Princess . I used to watch a little anime from time to time, but I haven't done so for a long time. Either way, I still wanted to know what I was getting into before I went in, so I saw the trailer on the Luna Theater's website, and it looked very interesting, so I decided to go see that. I had w

Response 2

Free Viewing of The Royale When I looked through the syllabus and saw that we were going to have free student tickets to go to the Merrimack Repertory Theater to see a play, I thought it would be interesting to say the least. It had been years since I had seen a play actually performed professionally at a theater, not just for school. I had no idea what The Royale, written by Marco Ramirez, was about, until my roommate John summarized it quickly as "a play about boxing". Obviously, there's more to it than that, I thought to myself, but the boxing alone intrigued me about it. So for class the next day, instead of heading to the O'Leary Library where our class normally is, we went to the Cotton Museum & the Mill Girls exhibit, then we went to the Theater later that night. It was around 7:15 when I got to the theater. On the way there, I initially thought that we would actually meet in front of the theater or actually in the theater as a group. When I actual

Response 1

Story of the Ladies of Lowell I remember visiting the Boott Cotton Mills Museum and the Mill Girls Exhibit like it was yesterday, mainly because by the time I started writing this post, it was yesterday. I was amazed with the mills because for how dangerous they were and how awful the conditions were working there, this was the place where the industrial revolution took place in the U.S. The way they made textiles back in the 1800s is severely outdated now, but it was still very interesting to see the machines that the mill girls worked to make the textiles. Actually seeing them up close, I could only just hear how loud they were, but since they didn't actually have any cotton in them to weave, I could only imagine the horrible life-threatening conditions the weave room created for the mill girls. After I saw these, I thought back to The Daring Ladies of Lowell by Kate Alcott, and I realized; day in and day out, Alice, Lovey, and all of the other mill girls, some of whic
Hello there. My name is Steven Curry. I'm mainly doing this because it is required of me for my FYSH (First Year Seminar in Honors) class. But I am still interested in doing this because I've never done a blog before and it may be kind of fun.